How does a flywheel provide both sub- and supra-maximal accentuated eccentric loading (AEL)?
Let’s delve into a little mechanics. Flywheel technology is based on concepts of inertia and conservation of momentum. As the user pulls up during the concentric (CON) phase, energy is being stored into the flywheel. As the user reaches the end of the CON phase and starts to move in the other direction, the flywheel releases all the stored energy in the form of a large torque. This torque is greater than the torque applied during the CON phase. This is because the flywheel wants to return to its original state as fast as it can. Therefore, there is a large angular acceleration in the opposite direction = large torque. This large torque generates a large negative force on the subject, and hence, the eccentric (ECC) overload is achieved. Naturally the faster the subject performs the CON phase, the greater the energy stored in the flywheel and a greater ECC overload results.
Submaximal AEL = resist the downward momentum over a long period of time.
Supramaximal AEL = resist the downward momentum in as short a time as possible.
Highly portable and of great utility has meant there has been a big resurgence into flywheel training. Thoughts?