JC's Musings

Flywheel Loading Quantification Quandaries

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So how do you quantify loading with flywheel resistance training (FRT)?

With free weight resistance training you have knowledge of the mass on the bar and you program as a number of repetitions you can do of that mass (e.g. 10 Repetition Maximum - 10 RM) or you establish a 1RM and prescribe loading as a percentage of that load (e.g. 60% 1RM).

With FRT it is not that easy to express the load intensity due to the rotary nature and gravity independence of this type of loading. Further complicating things is that there are different flywheel devices (conical and cylindrical) that can modify the final mechanical output. Finally, even though thought gravity independent, if you are squatting with flywheel overload, you will still need to overcome the gravitational effect of your body mass.

Notwithstanding these factors, and understanding how the size of the plate/inertial resistance (see picture) affects loading, you need to monitor some mechanical variables to help you determine workload. Torque (angular force) was mentioned in a previous post. Let’s see if we can use this and other variables in terms of load quantification in ensuing posts.

Any other ideas?